automate commands to an .exe console program through python

Juan Perez corleone82 at
Mon Dec 12 11:41:00 EST 2011


I'm new to this mailing list and new in python as well.

I need to automate a .exe console program in windows, and send key
characters like 'a', 'M' ... I don't need to take the output as is printed
in a different text log, but I'll have to send the messages to the program.
I had this running in an autoIT script which with only activating cmd
window, and with the "send" parameter I had all already done. But I'm
having a lot of problems with python, I've tried with,
communicate(), os.popen ... but no results. I can't comunicate with the
program and even i can't maintain it opened more than  a few seconds. If I
open a program like notepad.exe it remains opened but when I try to
comunicate with the stdin pipe just don't write anything to the program.

Someone has any idea about that,

Thanks and sorry for my english level,

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