Using python on OS X Lion

Johann Spies johann.spies at
Sun Dec 11 13:44:38 EST 2011

I have recently upgraded my Snow Leopard to Lion and now I am having all
problems with python on my system e.g.:

I have install PIL with easy_install but when I do

import PIL

Python cannot find the pil library. Installing psycopg2 in the same way was
successful and I can use psycopg2 without a problem.

Further, the new version of Python is 2.7.1 in Lion.  But when I  just run
'python'  it calls up 2.6.5 - even after I have moved the application
python2.6 to Trash.

I see several guidelines for using python on OS X: some using macports,
others homebrew and others 'pip'  and 'virtualenv' .  I come from a Linux
background where a proper packaging system like apt (on Debian) prevent
these types of problems.

So my question:  What is the recommended way of setting up a python
environment in OS X?

And how do I get rid of legacy python libraries on my system?

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)
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