subprocess.Popen under windows 7

Frank van den Boom frank at
Thu Dec 8 17:41:35 EST 2011


i have something like this under windows 7:

print("try command...")

arglist = [PATH_TO_7ZIP,"a", "-sfx", archive_name, "*", "-r",

p = subprocess.Popen(args=arglist, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
	              stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=srcdir)

output, error = p.communicate()

if output:
     print output

print ("Eyerthing is good")


The script works, but there is a little problem.
When I double-click the python file, then the command line will open and 
the script starts.
I can read "try command..." in the command line window under windows 7.
But then I have to enter the return key in order that the script will go on.
After I had entered the return key the script completed sucessfully and 
I saw the output.

What can I do, to prevent pressing the return key?


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