where the function has problem? n = 900 is OK , but n = 1000 is ERROR

Thomas Rachel nutznetz-0c1b6768-bfa9-48d5-a470-7603bd3aa915 at spamschutz.glglgl.de
Mon Aug 1 10:25:43 EDT 2011

Am 01.08.2011 11:11 schrieb jc:

>      except:
>          print "EXCEPT: " + str(n)

If you catch all exceptions here, it is clear that you only get this.

Why don't you do

except Exception, e:
     print "EXCEPT: " + str(n), e

? Then you could at least ask "why do I get a unsupported operand 
type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'long'"?

Well, these are the consequences of returning nothing (aka None) in the 
case of earlier errors. The first of these errors comes from

EXCEPT: 4 maximum recursion depth exceeded

so - you simply go too deep.

If you "pre-calculate" the stuff before, calling fibo(n/2) before the 
line with 'print "Fibo(" + str(n) + ") = " + str(fibo(n))', it succeeds.


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