Help on instance of closeable_response in module Mechanize

Yingjie Lin Yingjie.Lin at
Mon Aug 22 20:17:47 EDT 2011

Hi Python users,

I have a question about the instance of closeable_response in module Mechanize.

	from mechanize import ParseResponse, urlopen
	url = ""
	r = urlopen(url)
	forms = ParseResponse(r, backwards_compat=False)
	html_lines =

If I call ParseResponse() before, then lforms would be a list containing one form 
instance, and html_lines would be an empty string. If I call first, then html_lines 
would be the HTML source code of the page, but forms would be an empty list. 

Therefore, I have to open the url twice, once for each function, like this:

	r = urlopen(url)
	forms = ParseResponse(r, backwards_compat=False)
	r = urlopen(url)
	html_lines =

I believe this shouldn't be necessary. What is the proper way of doing it? Thank you.

- Yingjie

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