Idea for pure-python templates using AST.

Paul Wray paul.wray at
Tue Aug 16 07:33:29 EDT 2011

Hello all

Ive had what I think is a great idea for pure-python templates (I can almost 
hear the groans, bear with me...)

For the impatient, proof of concept is at 
demonstrating simple substitution, balanced tags using context manager, 
subtemplates,  and template inheritance.

I'm posting here to get opinions on:
* the merits of the idea, (or otherwise!)
* whether there are any established/mature templating systems that use this 
approach, or whether its come up before,
* ideas for improvements and advice on other aspects such as sandboxing
* of course, to share the idea in case others want to use it

Background: Ive been working on an application that recursively renders 
html/xml documents from heterogenoeus trees, with separate classes for each 
document component. First I built my own renderer but was dissatisfied with 
the repetitive code. Then looked at Mako and Jinja, and used Jinja but was 
still disatisfied, because I still needed a render method in each class to 
do preparation, and also the template which was centrally managed by the 
Jinja loader and environment. I found a way to call templates recursively 
via Jinja filters, but was not sure that it wouldnt blow up in my face, so I 
also had separate calls to render the children of each node, and then feed 
the value to the parent template. I kept thinking that there must be a way 
to get the brevity and clarity of declarative templates, plus the simplicity 
of pure python loops, tests and function calls.

The idea:
Python syntax allows a statement to be a bare literal or identifier. These 
have no effect on the program.

So the function below is legal python:

def myFunc():
    x = 45
    'b'; 'c'; x

So is this (within the appropriate class context of course):

def body(self, r):
        '<h1>'; self.heading; '</h1>'
        for itm in self.items:
            '<li>'; itm; '</li>'

The idea is simply to use python ASTs to transform this code so that it 
accumulates the values of the bare expressions.

I think this give the best of both worlds - declarative syntax for the 
template literals, but in a pure python context, giving you all the power of 
python control statements, classes etc.

For application contexts outside pure python code (ie user-created 
templates) , it would be simple to extend the technique to creating template 
functions from strings, and insert the resulting methods into a namespace 
for execution.)

I think, given the technique is already working with the AST, that 
sandboxing should not be too hard either - advice on this aspect would be 

Paul Wray 

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