How do I implement two decorators in Python both of which would eventually want to call the calling function

Devraj devraj at
Sat Aug 6 01:49:38 EDT 2011

Hi all,

I am trying to simply my Web application handlers, by using Python

Essentially I want to use decorators to abstract code that checks for
authenticated sessions and the other that checks to see if the cache
provider (Memcache in this instance) has a suitable response.

Consider this method definition with the decorators:

def post(self, facility_type_id = None):

auth.login_required checks to see if the user is logged in, otherwise
returns an appropriate error message, or executes the original

cache.clear would check to to see if the cache has a particular key
and drop that, before it executes the calling method.

Both auth.login_required and cache.clear would want to eventually
execute the calling method (post).

>From what I've read both, doing what I am doing now would execute the
calling method (post) twice.

My question, how do I chain decorators that end up executing the
calling method, but ensure that it's only called once.

Appreciate any pointers and thanks for your time.

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