m2crypto https, xmlrpc and ignore server name mismatch

Gelonida N gelonida at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 17:59:39 EDT 2011


Just started playing with m2crypto's xmlrpc

The code I'm using is:

import xmlrpclib
from M2Crypto.m2xmlrpclib import Server, SSL_Transport
from M2Crypto.SSL.Context import Context

ctx = Context()
# modify context
svr = Server(rpc_url, SSL_Transport(ctx), encoding='utf-8')

What I wondered is following:

For testing I would like to ignore the fact, that the hostname in the
request is different from the hostname in the server certificate.

On the other hand I would like to verify that the server name from the
server's certidicate matches a certain criteria.

What would be the code to do this.

import xmlrpclib
from M2Crypto.m2xmlrpclib import Server, SSL_Transport
from M2Crypto.SSL.Context import Context

def check_func(server_certificate):
     hostname = get_hostname_from_cert()
     return hostname.endswith('.mydomain.com')

ctx = Context()
# modify context
# add code to ignore server name mismatch
# add code to call check_func. accept request only if it returns True
svr = Server(rpc_url, SSL_Transport(ctx), encoding='utf-8')

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

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