use of index (beginner's question) (Iain King)

Apprentice3D apprentice3d at
Thu Apr 28 13:04:02 EDT 2011

Envoyé de mon iPad

Le 2011-04-28 à 4:55, python-list-request at a écrit :

> Send Python-list mailing list submissions to
>    python-list at
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> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
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> You can reach the person managing the list at
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Python-list digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Have you read the Python docs lately? (Terry Reedy)
>   2. Re: Reliably call code after object no longer exists or is
>      "unreachable"? (Gregory Ewing)
>   3. argparse parser stores lists instead of strings (Andrew Berg)
>   4. Re: unpickling derived LogRecord in python 2.7 from python2.6
>      (Peter Otten)
>   5. Re: Access violation reading 0x00000010 (yuan zheng)
>   6. Re: argparse parser stores lists instead of strings (Peter Otten)
>   7. Re: use of index (beginner's question) (Iain King)
>   8. Re: argparse parser stores lists instead of strings
>      (Gabriel Genellina)
>   9. Re: Access violation reading 0x00000010 (Gabriel Genellina)
>  10. Spurious character in IOError exception (loial)
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> -- 

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