Queue cleanup

Lawrence D'Oliveiro ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Fri Sep 3 19:33:08 EDT 2010

In message <7xr5heufhb.fsf at ruckus.brouhaha.com>, Paul Rubin wrote:

> Java has considerably greater reputation for reliability than C or C++.

Wonder why Sun’s licence explicitly forbade its use in danger-critical areas 
like nuclear power plants and the like, then?

> Ada is a different story, but Ada programs (because of the application
> area Ada is used in) tend not to use a lot of dynamic memory allocation
> in the first place.  A little googling shows there are GC extensions
> available for Ada, though I don't know if they are used much.

Let’s put it this way: the life-support system on the International Space 
Station is written in Ada. Would you trust your life to code written in 

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