Is there a way to pring a list object in Python?

Dave Angel davea at
Sun Oct 31 05:52:39 EDT 2010

On 2:59 PM, Zeynel wrote:
> class Rep(db.Model):
>      author = db.UserProperty()
>      replist = db.ListProperty(str)
>      unique = db.ListProperty(str)
>      date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
> ....
> Rep().replist = L
> Rep().put()
> mylist = Rep().all().fetch(10)
> I am trying to display mylist; but I am getting the object. Thanks.
I don't know any meaning for "pring."

Care to mention what db is?  Presumably it's some other module, not in 
the standard library, that you've imported.  And presumably it has a 
class called Model defined in it.

But the three lines following make no sense to me in isolation, so 
unless you know how db.Model is intended to be used, I can't imagine 
what you expect here.  Rep().replist = L  creates a temporary object, 
gives it an attribute, and throws them both away.  Although I could 
write code that would have enough side effects to do something with 
that, I can't imagine why I would want to.

Be more explicit with the assumptions (in this case, at least show the 
import), and with the results.  So instead of saying "I am getting the 
object," say

print mylist

produces the output:

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