Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

Gary Herron gherron at
Mon Oct 18 10:05:51 EDT 2010

  On 10/18/2010 06:45 AM, fab at wrote:
> Neil Cerutti<neilc at>  wrote:
>>> I have a class A that contains two classes B and C:
>>> class A:
>>>    class B:
>>>      self.x = 2
>>>    class C:
> I only wanted to show the structure of the code, not the actual
> instructions.
>> That's not valid Python code. Do you mean:
>> Class A:
>>   Class B:
>>     x = 2
>> Class A:
>>   Class B:
>>     def __init__(self):
>>       self.x = 2
> Any of these, aslong as I can access x  in C.
> By the way, is the first proposition (that is, x = 2, without the
> self.) valid? Is x a global variable then?
> Thanks.
Well, your code still doesn't make sense, but the generic answers are:

This defines a class variable:
class A:
and access to the variable is

This defines an instance variable:
class A:
   def __init__(self):
     self.x = 123
and once you have an object of class A,
   a = A()
access is
from outside the class, and
from inside the class.
(Those are really the same, the instance is named 'a' in one case and 
'self' in the other.)

If *any* object, class or instance of a class (or module or whatever) 
contains another, access is by chaining the dots.

Hope that answers your question.

Gary Herron

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