Performance evaluation of HTTPS library

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at
Wed Oct 13 09:12:40 EDT 2010

On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 05:27:29 -0700 (PDT)
Ashish <amvyas82 at> wrote:
> Well, CBSocket is socket implementation that calls my callback on
> data.
> Both my classes AsyncHTTPSConnection and AsyncHTTPConnection use it
> and use it the same way ( self.sock = CBSocket(sock2) ).
> The implemetation of AsyncHTTPConnection differs from
> AsyncHTTPSConnection only in connect method: sock2 =
> ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file)
> class CBSocket(asynchat.async_chat):

Ok, this won't work as expected. The first issue is that
ssl.wrap_socket() is a blocking operation, where your client will send
data and wait for the server reply (it's the SSL's handshake),
*before* the socket has been set in non-blocking mode by asyncore. It
means that your client will remain idle a lot of time, and explains
that neither the client nor the server reach 100% CPU utilization.

The second issue is that combining SSL and asyncore is more complicated
than that; there are various situations to consider which your code
doesn't address. The stdlib right now doesn't provide SSL support for
asyncore (see ), so you would have to
do it yourself. I don't think it's worth the trouble, and would
recommend switching your client to a simple thread-based approach,
where you handle each HTTP(S) connection in a separate thread and stick
to blocking I/O.



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