functions, list, default parameters

Sean Choi gnemnk at
Thu Oct 21 17:36:32 EDT 2010

I found two similar questions in the mailing list, but I didn't understand
the explanations.

I ran this code on Ubuntu 10.04 with Python 2.6.5.

Why do the functions g and gggg behave differently? If calls gggg(3) and
g(3) both exit their functions in the same state, why do they not enter in
the same state when I call gggg(4) and g(4)?

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- my
def gggg(a, L=[]):
    print "enter function"
    print "a = ", a, "and L = ", L
    if L == []:
        print "hey, L is empty"
        L = []
    print "after append, L = ", L
    return L

def g(a, L=[]):
    print "enter function"
    print "a = ", a, "and L = ", L
    if L == []:
        print "hey, L is empty"
    print "after append, L = ", L
    return L

print gggg(3)
print gggg(4)
print gggg(7)
print g(3)
print g(4)
print g(7)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- my
-------------------gggg calls
enter function
a =  3 and L =  []
hey, L is empty
after append, L =  [3]
enter function
a =  4 and L =  []
hey, L is empty
after append, L =  [4]
enter function
a =  7 and L =  []
hey, L is empty
after append, L =  [7]
-------------------g calls
enter function
a =  3 and L =  []
hey, L is empty
after append, L =  [3]
enter function
a =  4 and L =  [3]
after append, L =  [3, 4]
[3, 4]
enter function
a =  7 and L =  [3, 4]
after append, L =  [3, 4, 7]
[3, 4, 7]
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