http-headers for soappy

Johann Spies johann.spies at
Fri Nov 12 08:32:56 EST 2010

How do I pass the following header

	Header name:  Cookie
	Header value:  [SID="the session identifier"]

to SOAP.HeaderHandler():

class HeaderHandler:
    # Initially fail out if there are any problems.
    def __init__(self, header, attrs):
        for i in header.__dict__.keys():
            if i[0] == "_":

            d = getattr(header, i)

                fault = int(attrs[id(d)][(NS.ENV, 'mustUnderstand')])
                fault = 0

            if fault:
                raise faultType, ("%s:MustUnderstand" % NS.ENV_T,
                                  "Required Header Misunderstood",
                                  "%s" % i)

 May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God
and of Jesus our Lord!  His divine power has given us everything we need for
life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us by
his own glory and excellence.
                                                    2 Pet. 1:2b,3a
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