Help with Regexp, \b

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Sat May 29 11:24:48 EDT 2010

andrew cooke <andrew at> wrote:

> Please can someone explain why the following fails:
>         from re import compile
>         p = compile(r'\bword\b')
>         m = p.match(' word ')
>         assert m
> My understanding is that \b matches a space at the start or end of a
> word, and that "word" is a word -
> What am I missing here?  I suspect I am doing something very stupid.

You misunderstand what \b does: it doesn't match a space, it matches a 0 
length string on a boundary between a non-word and a word.


 p.match(' word ', 1).group(0)

and you'll see that you are only match the word, not the surrounding 

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