Do any debuggers support "edit and continue?"

Jess Jess-198700987 at
Wed May 12 22:24:12 EDT 2010

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"Joel Koltner" <zapwireDASHgroups at> 
??????:cMBGn.281180$Up1.207371 at
> Just curious... in Microsoft's Visual Studio (and I would presume some 
> other tools), for many languages (both interpreted and compiled!) there's 
> an "edit and conitnue" option that, when you hit a breakpoint, allows you 
> to modify a line of code before it's actually executed.
> Does any Python debugger support this feature?  Being an interpreted 
> language it doesn't seem like it would necessarily be too onerous to 
> support?  It'd be quite handy in that, especially if you hit a breakpoint 
> due to the interpreter throwing an error, you could fix just the line in 
> question and keep going, rather than having to stop the entire program, 
> fix the line, and then run again and potentially kill a bunch of time 
> getting the program back into the same "state."
> Thanks,
> ---Joel Koltner

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