idiomatic way to collect and report multiple exceptions?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Fri May 7 01:06:07 EDT 2010

On 5/6/2010 11:50 PM, Ben Cohen wrote:
> Is there a pythonic way to collect and display multiple exceptions at
> the same time?
> For example let's say you're trying to validate the elements of a
> list and you'd like to validate as many of the elements as possible
> in one run and still report exception's raised while validating a
> failed element.
> eg -- I'd like to do something like this:
> errors = []

  for item in data:
    try: process(item)
  except ValidationError as e:

I believe each exception replaces the traceback message. So I would 
collect tracebacks rather than exceptions. Try the traceback module.

Terry Jan Reedy

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