xrange issue 7721

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Sat May 29 14:46:28 EDT 2010

Sorry if this is the wrong ng/ml, but thought I'd better flag this up 

I've had an OverflowError using xrange with Python 2.6.5 on Windows. 
Googling got me to the subject line.

msg97928 gives a code snippet to overcome the limitations of xrange, 
allowing for negative steps, however it doesn't raise a ValueError for a 
zero step. msg99624 gives a docs change that has been implemented for 
V2.6, but this doesn't refer to the msg97928 code snippet, rather it 
refers to a one liner that only works for positive steps.  The docs for 
V2.7 haven't been changed at all.

Assuming that I am correct, can I create myself a login on the bugs 
tracker and re-open the issue to get this sorted?

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.

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