should writing Unicode files be so slow

Ben Finney ben+python at
Thu Mar 18 21:49:56 EDT 2010

djc <slais-www at> writes:

> I have a simple program to read a text (.csv) file

Could you please:

* simplify it further: make a minimal version that demonstrates the
  difference you're seeing, without any extraneous stuff that doesn't
  appear to affect the result.

* make it complete: the code you've shown doesn't do anything except
  define some functions.

In other words: please reduce it to a complete, minimal example that we
can run to see the same behaviour you're seeing.

 \        “If we ruin the Earth, there is no place else to go. This is |
  `\    not a disposable world, and we are not yet able to re-engineer |
_o__)                      other planets.” —Carl Sagan, _Cosmos_, 1980 |
Ben Finney

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