Docstrings considered too complicated

Ben Finney ben+python at
Tue Mar 2 16:22:40 EST 2010

Andreas Waldenburger <usenot at geekmail.INVALID> writes:

> Don't get me wrong; our whole system is more fragile than I find
> comfortable. But I guess getting 10ish different parties around the
> globe to work in complete unison is quite a feat, and I'm surprised it
> even works as it is. But it does, and I'm glad we don't have to
> micromanage other people's code.

It's rather odd that you think of “require general quality standards,
independently measurable and testable” to be “micromanaging”.

I guess that when even the *customers* will resist implementing such
quality expectations, it's little surprise that the vendors continue to
push out such shoddy work on their customers.

 \     “Why am I an atheist? I ask you: Why is anybody not an atheist? |
  `\      Everyone starts out being an atheist.” —Andy Rooney, _Boston |
_o__)                                                Globe_ 1982-05-30 |
Ben Finney

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