dynamically modify help text

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Mon Jun 28 20:37:44 EDT 2010

Brian Blais <bblais at bryant.edu> writes:

> On Jun 28, 2010, at 14:25 , Chris Rebert wrote:
> > __doc__ is normally defined on classes, e.g. `A`, not instances,
> > e.g. `a`. help() looks for __doc__ accordingly.
> so that gets back to my original question: can I change this text at
> runtime.  Doesn't look like I can, because it is defined for classes
> rather than instances.  Am I thinking about this correctly?

Classes are objects. You can change the ‘__doc__’ attribute of a class
object the same as you'd change it for any other object::

    A.__doc__ = "new docstring"

 \         “All television is educational television. The question is: |
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_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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