best way to increment an IntVar?

rantingrick rantingrick at
Sat Jun 26 01:31:49 EDT 2010

On Jun 25, 9:28 pm, Steven D'Aprano <st... at REMOVE-THIS-> wrote:

> That's the second time that I've noticed you use the term "monkey patch".
> I don't think it means what you seem to think it means. You seem to be
> using it in the sense of "being patched by monkeys", but that's not the
> commonly agreed meaning of monkey-patching.
> Monkey-patching is patching code on the fly, rather than modifying the
> source code or subclassing it. For example, ...<snip great tutorial!>

Yes i am aware of the true meaning of "monkey-patching" however i do
occasionally use it out of "accepted" context to mean that something
was done in a half arse way. I tend to be slightly rebellious as most
of the group has probably realized at this point. But i am very happy
that you took the time to explain to the commonly the accepted
definition of MP. Because there are always new programmers listening
who may not be familiar with these terms. This sort of self-less help
it what i want to see more of.

I want to show you guys and example of a group that *all* groups
should aspire to be...overly-dramatic-and-useless-pause-here... the
"Google SketchUp Help Group"! A fine class of folks who would go to
extraordinary lengths to help new users. Here is a thread that
showcases how dedicated these people really are...[Warning: You will
be amazed!]

Clearly the user is upset and blabbing all sorts of incendiary
nonsense but again and again the good folks at SketchUp stay calm and
always attempt to help. This is how i would like to see this group get
along. Of course we can still have fun and be sarcastic, but we need
to collaborate more because this constant in-fighting is slowing
Python's development progress. Look guys, check your egos and pride at
the door, when you're here, you're family!

PS I'll give 50 points to the first chap who guesses my identity on
that group ;-)
PPS: Sorry for stealing your quote Menseator, but it was just too
juicy to pass up ;-)
PPPS: Sorry Mensenator you can't get the fifty points because now you
know ;-)

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