Different byte-code in same major version (2.6.x)?

Grant Edwards invalid at invalid.invalid
Wed Jun 16 17:54:37 EDT 2010

On 2010-06-16, Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel at goebel-consult.de> wrote:
> Am 15.06.2010 20:43, schrieb Paul Rubin:
>> Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel at crazy-compilers.com> writes:
>>> I'm facing a curious problem: 2.6, 2.6.1 and 2.6.4 are generating
>>> different byte-code for the same source. I can not find the reason for.
>> Why should they generate the same bytecode?  All that you should
>> expect
> Because
> a) they are only maintenance releases and changes to bytecode
>    generation would eb a functional change

If maintenance releases weren't allowed to produce externally visible
changes in behavior, they'd be rather pointless.

> b) bytcode-changes should change the magic-number, which is unchanged
>    in this case

No, changes in the bytecode definitions would require a different
magic-number.  As long as the different "versions" of emitted bytecode
all run on the same VM, then they all use the same majic number.

> c) there is no change to be found in SVN.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! DIDI ... is that a
                                  at               MARTIAN name, or, are we
                              gmail.com            in ISRAEL?

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