Printing forms and labels in Python

Monte Milanuk memilanuk at
Sun Jun 13 14:13:08 EDT 2010

On 6/13/10 10:23 AM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

> However, the overall problem here is that printer APIs are very
> different between os and they aren't abstracted in python to some common
> module. They need access to GUI libraries which python doesn't expose
> out of the box.

I know the usual response to what I'm about to say is "Knock yourself 
out, let us know when you have something workable" but I have to say it 
anyways... wow, that seems like such a gaping hole that I can't hardly 
believe its not filled.  Printing final results is a *huge* part of what 
I'm wanting to do.

Seems like it'd be a huge opportunity for someone wanting to 
improve/contribute to python, or like one of the 'summer of code' 
projects, etc.

> So as sad as it may sound - going through some native program such as
> excel or acrobat to perform the printing might be your best bet.

Opening Adobe Reader as a sort of 'print preview' might be a workable 
solution... since the results will likely need to be a) archived and b) 
emailed out to the group.

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