Python Jobs

Tim Chase python.list at
Wed Jun 9 16:57:53 EDT 2010

On 06/09/2010 03:21 PM, Michael Chambliss wrote:
> - Your location - country, state or city, whatever you care to provide

Outside Dallas, TX, USA

> - Your focus - Product Development (web sites/apps), Education, R&D/Science,
> IT/Sys Admin, etc

split between development (web & apps) and IT/Sys admin work

> - Your company size

just shy of 50 emps at the company I just left (though still do 
some contract work for them) of which 2 are full-time 
development/sysadmins, one has some CIOish responsibilities, and 
3 contract developers (self included).  Development there is a 
mix of C# and Python.

I've also got a few other side projects using Django with smaller 

> - Your compensation relative to the .NET/Java developers you know -
> generally higher/lower?

About the same, for an average .Net/Java developer (but there are 
a lot more .Net/Java developers for whom I wouldn't consider 
their dev skills worth the paper their certification is written 
on, yet they're paid well and incorporated into those averages)

However, my job enjoyment anecdotally seems MUCH higher (faster 
development, no extra "compile" step, the language is more 
beautiful & pleasant to use/read, language culture, etc)


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