[ANN] Oktest 0.4.0 released - a new-style testing library

Makoto Kuwata kwa at kuwata-lab.com
Sat Jun 26 19:28:52 EDT 2010

I released Oktest 0.4.0.


Oktest is a new-style testing library for Python.

    from oktest import ok
    ok (x) > 0                 # same as assert_(x > 0)
    ok (s) == 'foo'            # same as assertEqual(s, 'foo')
    ok (s) != 'foo'            # same as assertNotEqual(s, 'foo')
    ok (f).raises(ValueError)  # same as assertRaises(ValueError, f)
    ok (u'foo').is_a(unicode)  # same as assert_(isinstance(u'foo', unicode))
    not_ok (u'foo').is_a(int)  # same as assert_(not isinstance(u'foo', int))
    ok ('A.txt').is_file()     # same as assert_(os.path.isfile('A.txt'))
    not_ok ('A.txt').is_dir()  # same as assert_(not os.path.isdir('A.txt'))

You can use ok() instead of 'assertXxx()' in unittest.

Oktest requires Python 2.3 or later. Oktest is ready for Python 3.

NOTICE!! Oktest is a young project and specification may change in the future.




    ## if you have installed easy_install:
    $ sudo easy_install Oktest
    ## or download Oktest-$Release$.tar.gz and install it
    $ wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/O/Oktest/Oktest-$Release$.tar.gz
    $ tar xzf Oktest-$Release$.tar.gz
    $ cd Oktest-$Release$/
    $ sudo python setup.py install



    from oktest import ok, run
    import sys, os

    ## no need to extend TestCase class
    class Example1Test(object):

        def before_all(self):   # invoked only once before all tests

        def after_all(self):    # invoked only once after all tests done
            import shutil

        def before(self):       # invoked before each test
            self.val = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']

        def after(self):        # invoked after each test

        def test_valtype(self):
            ok (type(self.val)) == list

        def test_length(self):
            ok (len(self.val)) == 3

    ## 'ok()' is available with unittest.TestCase
    import unittest
    class Example2Test(unittest.TestCase):

        def setUp(self):
            self.val = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']

        def test_valtype(self):
            ok (type(self.val)) == list

        def test_length(self):
            ok (len(self.val)) == 3

    ## invoke tests
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        from oktest import run
        run(Example1Test, Example2Test)
	## or
	#run('.*Test$')  # specify class names by regular expression

Changes in release 0.4.0

* enhanced to support 'ok (x).in_delta(y, d)' which raises assertion exception
  unless y-d < x < y+d.
* change test script to support Python 2.7 and 3.x.
* fixed a few bugs.

Have fun!

makoto kuwata

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