Is '[' a function or an operator or an language feature?

Tim Chase python.list at
Fri Jul 16 22:23:09 EDT 2010

On 07/16/2010 09:08 PM, MRAB wrote:
> Peng Yu wrote:
>>> You might find my Python symbol glossary useful.
>> This is for Python 3. Is there one for Python 2.x?
> Is anyone /still/ using Python 2.x? ;-)

2.x?!  You were lucky. We lived for three months with Python 1.x 
in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the 
morning, write our 1.x code using ed, eat a crust of stale bread, 
go to work down in machine language, fourteen hours a day, 
week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our 
Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt...


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