integer >= 1 == True and integer.0 == False is bad, bad, bad!!!

Paul Rubin at nospam.invalid
Mon Jul 12 22:14:38 EDT 2010

Ian Kelly <ian.g.kelly at> writes:
> I don't think it's any more egregious than automatic conversions of
> mixed-type expressions, such as 3 + 4.5.  

That could also be explicit: float(3) + 4.5, or 3 + int(4.5).

> If you don't want your ints automatically converted to floats on
> division, then use the integer division operator.  1 // 2 is still 0
> in Python 3.

Sure, I do that, but the issue was that 1/2 was confusing newbies who
don't understand the different characteristics of int and floating
types.  If the idea is to change Python to fix this problem in a
newbie-friendly way, the right fix is to create enlightment by raising
an exception that points out the problem, not sweep it under the rug
with an automatic conversion.

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