About new urllib.request in python 3.1.2

Cameron Simpson cs at zip.com.au
Sat Jul 10 18:33:43 EDT 2010

On 10Jul2010 09:11, pavan kumar maddali <pavan_maddali at yahoo.com> wrote:
| Thank You Steve,
| I am not using the urllib.

Your example did:

    from urllib.request import urlopen
    response = urlopen('http://python.org/') html =

| I am using the xmlrpc and http modules from the 
| python library.

That's not what he meant.

Your file is called "http.py".
Python searches the current directory first.
That means that when any library module (internally) tried to use
the "http" module it will find your file, not the library module.

So you don't get to use the http library module.

Rename your http.py file to "my-http-test.py" and retry.
Then its name won't get in the way of the library name.

Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au> DoD#743

Success in software development depends on making a carefully planned
series of small mistakes in order to avoid making unplanned large
mistakes.       - Steve McConnell, _Software Project Survival Guide_

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