Opinions please -- how big should a single module grow?

Paul Rubin no.email at nospam.invalid
Fri Jul 9 14:21:32 EDT 2010

Steven D'Aprano <steve at REMOVE-THIS-cybersource.com.au> writes:
> How large (how many KB, lines, classes, whatever unit of code you like to 
> measure in) should a module grow before I should break it up into a 
> package? I see that, for example, decimal.py is > 3000 lines of code, so 
> I can assume that 3 KLOC is acceptable. Presumably 3000 KLOC is not. 
> Where do you draw the line?

I'd tend to say 2-4 KLOC, basically the max size in which it's
reasonable to scroll through the file and read what it's doing, navigate
around it with an editor, etc.  Some exceptions are possible.

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