How do I add method dynamically to module using C API?

Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet alf.p.steinbach+usenet at
Thu Jul 8 02:47:01 EDT 2010

* Martin v. Loewis, on 08.07.2010 07:23:
>> And since things work for a single method when I declare 'def' as
>> 'static', I suspect that means that the function object created by
>> PyCFunction_NewEx holds on to a pointer to the PyMethodDef structure?
> Correct; it doesn't make a copy of the struct. So when you want the
> function object to outlive the setRoutine call, you need to allocate
> the PyMethodDef on the heap.


That's the direction I tentatively had started to investigate.

But second problem now is cleanup: I'd like to deallocate when the module is 
freed. I tried (1) adding a __del__, but no dice, I guess because it wasn't 
really an object method but just a free function in a module; and (2) the m_free 
callback in the module definition structure, but it was not called.

Perhaps I don't need to to clean up?

Anyway, current looks like this:

// progrock.cppy  --  "C++ plus Python"
// A simple C++ framework for writing Python 3.x extensions.
// Copyright (C) Alf P. Steinbach, 2010.

#include <progrock/cppx/devsupport/better_experience.h>

//----------------------------------------- Dependencies:

#include "Ptr.h"
#include <progrock/cppx/exception/throwing.h>
#include <list>

//----------------------------------------- Interface:

namespace progrock{ namespace cppy {

     namespace detail {
         inline PyModuleDef* moduleDefPtr()
             static PyMethodDef methodDefs[] = {
                 //{ "system", &pyni_system, METH_VARARGS, "Execute a shell 
command." },
                 //{ "__del__", &onModuleDestroy, METH_NOARGS, "Destructor" },
                 { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }     // Sentinel

             static PyModuleDef moduleDef = {
                 "cppy",     // name of module
                 NULL,       // m_doc,   // module documentation in UTF-8
                 sizeof(void*),         // size of per-interpreter state of the 
                             //    or -1 if the module keeps state in global 
                 NULL,       // m_reload
                 NULL,       // m_traverse
                 NULL,       // m_clear
                 NULL        // m_free

             return &moduleDef;

     class Module
         struct InstanceData
             std::list< PyMethodDef >    methodDefs;

         void* instanceMemory() const
             void* const result = PyModule_GetState( p_.get() );
             assert( result != 0 );
             return result;

         InstanceData*& instanceDataPtr() const
             return *reinterpret_cast< InstanceData** >( instanceMemory() );

         Ptr             p_;
         InstanceData*   data_;

             : p_( ::PyModule_Create( detail::moduleDefPtr() ) )
             assert( def.m_size == sizeof( void* ) );
             (p_.get() != 0) || cppx::throwX( "Module::<init>: failed" );
             instanceDataPtr() = data_ = new InstanceData();

         PyObject* rawPtr() const    { return p_.get(); }
         PyObject* release()         { return p_.release(); }

         void setDocString( wchar_t const s[] )
             Ptr const v = ::PyUnicode_FromWideChar( s, -1 );
             (v.get() != 0)
                 || cppx::throwX( "Module::setDocString: PyUnicode_FromWideChar 
failed" );
             ::PyObject_SetAttrString( p_.get(), "__doc__", v.get() )
                 >> cppx::is( cppx::notMinusOne )
                 || cppx::throwX( "Module::setDocString: PyObject_SetAttrString 
failed" );

         void addRoutine( char const name[], PyCFunction f, char const doc[] = "" )
             PyMethodDef const defData = { name, f, METH_VARARGS, doc };

             data_->methodDefs.push_back( defData );
                 PyMethodDef*    pDef    = &data_->methodDefs.back();

                 Ptr const   pyName  = ::PyUnicode_FromString( name );
                 Ptr         r       = ::PyCFunction_NewEx( pDef, p_.get(), 

                 ::PyModule_AddObject( p_.get(), name, r.release() )
                     >> cppx::is( cppx::notMinusOne )
                     || cppx::throwX( "Module::addRoutine: PyModule_AddObject 
failed" );
             catch( ... )

} }  // namespace progrock::cppy


I changed the module name from "pyni*" to "cppy"... ;-)

Cheers & thanks!, but how to clean up, or must I?

- Alf

blog at <url:>

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