solving Tix problem in ubuntu jaunty

jimgardener jimgardener at
Thu Jul 29 12:51:13 EDT 2010

recently I switched to ubuntu jaunty and installed python 2.6.I
installed lib-tk so that I can work on my gui apps using Tix and
Tkinter.But ,it seems that the python version in jaunty ships a buggy
tix version which gives a 'TclError:unknown color' error message (this
happens when I try to use FileSelectBox in Tix).

I tried to find if the installation is proper by
>>'package require Tix')

This outputs the string '8.4'

How do I correct the problem?I downloaded the source Tix8.4.3-src.tar
from sourceforge site.Can somebody tell me how I can install this so I
can use the bug free Tix from python2.6>


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