Constructor call in the same class?

Karsten Wutzke kwutzke at
Sun Jul 25 11:41:56 EDT 2010

What's wrong with:

class Enum(RootFragment):
    __jpaTypes = {
        # complete!
        'CascadeType': Enum("javax.persistence.CascadeType"),
        'EnumType': Enum("javax.persistence.EnumType"),
        'FetchType': Enum("javax.persistence.FetchType"),
        'FlushModeType': Enum("javax.persistence.FlushModeType"),
        'GenerationType': Enum("javax.persistence.GenerationType"),
        'InheritanceType': Enum("javax.persistence.InheritanceType"),
        'LockModeType': Enum("javax.persistence.LockModeType"),
        'TemporalType': Enum("javax.persistence.TemporalType"),

    # constructor
    def __init__(self, package, modifiers, name, superInterfaces = [],
                 annotations = [], innerClasses = [], properties = [],
methods = []):
        RootFragment.__init__(self, packageName, modifiers, "enum",
name, superInterfaces, annotations, innerClasses, properties, methods)


I get

    'CascadeType': Enum("javax.persistence.CascadeType"),

NameError: name 'Enum' is not defined

What's wrong with calling a constructor in a dict initializer? How do
I solve this?


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