Multiline regex

Brandon Harris brandon.harris at
Wed Jul 21 10:42:23 EDT 2010

I'm trying to read in and parse an ascii type file that contains 
information that can span several lines.

createNode animCurveTU -n "test:master_globalSmooth";
    setAttr ".tan" 9;
    setAttr -s 4 ".ktv[0:3]"  101 0 163 0 169 0 201 0;
    setAttr -s 4 ".kit[3]"  10;
    setAttr -s 4 ".kot[3]"  10;
createNode animCurveTU -n "test:master_res";
    setAttr ".tan" 9;
    setAttr ".ktv[0]"  103 0;
    setAttr ".kot[0]"  5;
createNode animCurveTU -n "test:master_faceRig";
    setAttr ".tan" 9;
    setAttr ".ktv[0]"  103 0;
    setAttr ".kot[0]"  5;

I'm wanting to grab the information out in chunks, so

createNode animCurveTU -n "test:master_faceRig";
    setAttr ".tan" 9;
    setAttr ".ktv[0]"  103 0;
    setAttr ".kot[0]"  5;

would be what my regex would grab.
I'm currently only able to grab out the first line and part of the 
second line, but no more.
regex is as follows

my_regexp = re.compile("createNode\ animCurve.*\n[\t*setAttr.*\n]*")

I've run several variations of this, but none return me all of the 
expected information.

Is there something special that needs to be done to have the regexp grab 
any number of the setAttr lines without specification?

Brandon L. Harris

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