Help choosing license for new projects

Jake b ninmonkeys at
Mon Jul 12 18:00:22 EDT 2010

I'm starting a new python code project. What license do you suggest? I
am searching, but I'm not finding a simple comparison of licenses. So
I don't know which to use. Maybe MIT or Apache or LGPL or BSD?

Are there certain licenses to avoid using because of interaction
problems between libraries using GPL2 / GPL3 / MIT / LGPL. / BSD with
my own?

I want:
1] Pretty much let anyone use it. Users do not have to include source
code, as long as I get credit. (which I think normallly is a textfile
with project url + name?)

2] (if it matters) I will be using different combinations of pyglet,
pygame, wxPython, etc.

3] I want the option to use my own code in something commercial at a later date.

Does #3 complicate things, or is fine when including author info?

The choices for google code projects are:
  Apache License 2.0
  Eclipse license 1.0
  GNU lesser GPL
  MIT license
  Mozilla Public license 1.1
  New BSD License

thanks for advice,

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