Writing Out from 2 Lists

Dlanor Slegov dlanorslegov at rocketmail.com
Thu Jul 8 07:30:09 EDT 2010


I am trying to find a python solution for an informatics problem I have at 
work. Generalized equivalent of my problem is: 

I have an excel sheet with column 1 and column 2 having corresponding 
information (much like a dictionary, however with repeating "keys"). Its like if 
you read down column 1: a,b,a,a,b,c and if you read down column 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6. 
I would like to write "unique" files such as a.txt, b.txt and c.txt with 
matching information (from column 2) in a.txt in separate rows like: 1,3,4 and 
in b.txt like: 2,5, etc.

What I have been able to do until now is the following:

import sys
import xlrd

wb = xlrd.open_workbook("myexcelsheet.xls")
sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0)

clmn1 = sheet.col_values(1,1)
clmn2 = sheet.col_values(2,1)


#My thought is now to write a counter and for each value in clmn1, write a text 
file with the name of the value and add data from clmn2 in this file. I want to 
start with index[0], i.e. value 1 of clmn1 and then go to 2nd value and compare 
(==) it with 1st value and if its equal then append to the same file 2nd value 
from clmn2...like this with 3rd value in clmn1, i want to compare it to 1st and 
2nd value....wrap this whole in to a nice loop.

#Don't know if this is the "easy" way, but this is what my mind came up with. 
Now I am stuck in colored line below, where I am unable to "create a new 
filename with string coming from a variable":

l = len(clmn1)
c = 0
while (c < l):
filename = clmn1[c]
fhdl1 = open('/mypythonfolder/%(filename)s_appendsomename.txt','w') 

print filename
c = c + 1
I would appreciate comments and suggestions on how can I get through this 
problem and also would like to know if there are any methods for lists to solve 
this problem in a different way.

Many Thanks,

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