PEP 3147 - new .pyc format

Steven D'Aprano steve at
Sun Jan 31 17:37:04 EST 2010

On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 09:06:18 -0600, John Bokma wrote:

> Based on the magic numbers I've seen so far it looks like that not an
> option. They increment with every minor change. 

They increment with every *incompatible* change to the marshal format, 
not every change to the compiler.

> So to me, at this moment
> (and maybe it's my ignorance) it looks like a made up example to justify
> what to me still looks like a bad decision.

Of course it's a made-up example. But with Python now entering a period 
where there is a moratorium on changes to the language, is it really so 
difficult to imagine that the marshal format will settle down for a while 
even as the standard library goes through upgrades?


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