Code Generator written in python

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Wed Jan 13 11:26:01 EST 2010

En Wed, 13 Jan 2010 13:09:38 -0300, Arnaud Delobelle  
<arnodel at> escribió:

> nyoka <danshizzle at> writes:
>> Can someone help me with sample python code for a code generator
> Sure, here are some example of self-evaluating python objects, i.e. for  
> each v
> below,
>        v == eval(v)
> I'm quite proud of the last one.

And I'm still trying to disembowel it! :)

> v = (lambda x:x%('"''""'+x+'"''""'))("""(lambda  
> x:x%%('"''""'+x+'"''""'))(%s)""")
> v = (lambda x:x%('r\"'+x+'\"'))(r"(lambda x:x%%('r\"'+x+'\"'))(%s)")
> v = (lambda x:x%`x`)('(lambda x:x%%`x`)(%s)')
> v = (lambda x: x+"("+`x`+")")('(lambda x: x+"("+`x`+")")')
> v = "\"%s\" %% ((r\"%s\",)*2)" % ((r"\"%s\" %% ((r\"%s\",)*2)",)*2)

Gabriel Genellina

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