Link to module Stack

Dave Angel davea at
Sat Jan 9 19:17:08 EST 2010

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Jan 2010 05:56:36 -0500, Dave Angel wrote:
>>> "InnerInterpreterError" is the most inappropriate exception name I've
>>> ever seen. It has nothing to do with the interpreter, it's a stack
>>> error.
>> It has everything to do with the (Forth) interpreter.  Exceptions can
>> readily be named according to their application -- it's not always about
>> Python.  Anyway, Forth has an inner-interpreter and an
>> outer-interpreter, and the name will make sense to a Forth programmer.
> Pardon me, but I *am* a Forth programmer. Or was, it's been many years, 
> and I'm rusty. I guess this is a difference of terminology: what you're 
> calling an inner interpreter and an outer interpreter I know of as the 
> Forth engine and the (text) interpreter. Gforth refers to them as such, 
> so did Leo Brodie's Forth books, and the (ancient) Macintosh Forth 
> compiler "Mach 2".
I'm pretty sure FIG-Forth called them an inner interpreter and outer 
interpreter, but I don't remember other sources.  FIG-Forth was my first 
Forth system, gotten on an 8" diskette.  The inner interpreter was  
LOADSW, JMP AX, I believe, as it was an indirected threaded interpreter 

> <snip>
>> or even better, without the extra local var:
>>     def pop (self):
>>         if len(self.__heap) == 0:
>>             raise InnerInterpreterError, "stack underflow"
>>         return self.__heap.pop(1)
> pop(1)? I don't think so.
That was a typo;  I meant  pop().  And of course others have improved on 
my remarks anyway.


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