Need help to pass self.count to other classes.

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Wed Jan 6 08:13:25 EST 2010

Bill a écrit :
> After a year with Python 2.5 on my Windows box, I still have trouble
> understanding classes.
> Below, see the batch file and the configuration script for
> my Python interactive prompt.
> The widths of the secondary prompts increase when  the self.count of
> SysPrompt1 exceeds 99.
> I am using a global variable "zxc" to share self.count, which is not
> Pythonic.

It's not "unpythonic" - but it's not good OO style neither !-)

> How can I pass in self.count without a global?


> sys.ps1 = SysPrompt1()
> sys.ps2 = SysPrompt2()
> sys.displayhook = DisplayHook()
> sys.excepthook = ExceptHook()

hint #1: a bound method is also a callable.
hint #2: an object can be an attribute of another object.

Possible OO solution:

class Counter(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self._count = 0
    def inc(self):
         self._count += 1
    value = property(fget=lambda s: s._count)

class Prompt1(object):
     def __init__(self, counter):
         self._counter = counter
     def _str_(self):
         return '[%2d]> ' % self._counter.value

class Prompt2(object):
     def __init__(self, counter):
         self._counter = counter
     def _str_(self):
         if self._counter.value > 99: # XXX magic number
             return '...... '
             return '..... '

class MySysHookHandler(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self._counter = Counter()
         self.ps1 = Prompt1(self._counter)
         self.ps2 = Prompt2(self._counter)

      def displayhook(self, value):
          if value is None:
          if self._counter.value > 99: # XXX magic number
              print '[ out]', value, '\n'
             print '[out]', value, '\n'

      def excepthook(self, type, value, trace):
	 if self._counter.value > 99: # XXX magic number
              print '[ err]', value, '\n'
              print '[err]', value, '\n'

handler = MySysHook()
sys.ps1 = handler.ps1
sys.ps2 = handler.ps2
sys.displayhook = handler.displayhook
sys.excepthook = handler.excepthook


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