Safe file I/O to shared file (or SQLite) from multi-threaded web server

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Mon Jan 4 18:35:28 EST 2010

Lawrence D'Oliveiro schrieb:
> In message <mailman.367.1262529266.28905.python-list at>, Steve 
> Holden wrote:
>> Yes, but not to MySQL, please. Particularly since there is a sword of
>> Damocles hanging over its head while the Oracle takeover of Sun is
>> pending.
> Ah, I see the FUDsters are crawling out of the woodwork here, as well. I’ve 
> got news for you: MySQL is an open-source product. And you can’t kill Open 
> Source. So go crawling back to your proprietary world, if that’s the only 
> world you understand.

Since when is suggesting Postgres a sign of a proprietary world crawler?

And while I don't wish MySQL anything bad - open source *can* die, and 
will, if leadership changes for the worst - which can happen. And is 
certainly an immediate threat here.


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