PyQT 4.6.2 question about radiobuttons

News123 news123 at
Thu Jan 14 16:09:20 EST 2010


As you wll notice: I don't have a lot of GUI and only very litte

I have a UI created with qt designer.

The UI contains a few named radio buttons in a button group.
( for example radioButton_one to radioButton_four )

I am unable locate a signal, that is fired whenever one of the
radiobuttons in a group have been changed.

however what I am able to is to connect the same slot to all
of the clicked events of a buttongroup

buttons = [

for button in buttons:
    button.cloicked.connect( self._mymethod )

My questions are:

1.) Is there a signal in the buttongroup, that would fire?

2.) if not. What is the easiest way to get a list of all radiobuttons
belonging to a buttongroup

Thanks in advance for your any suggestions good pointers

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