string to list when the contents is a list

nn pruebauno at
Thu Feb 18 09:52:29 EST 2010

Wes James wrote:
> I have been trying to create a list form a string.  The string will be
> a list (this is the contents will look like a list).  i.e. "[]" or
> "['a','b']"
> The "[]" is simple since I can just check if value == "[]" then return []
> But with "['a','b']" I have tried and get:
> a="['a','b']"
> b=a[1:-1].split(',')
> returns
> [ " 'a' "," 'b' " ]
> when I want it to return ['a','b'].
> How can I do this?
> thx,
> -wes

I am surprised nobody gave you the simple answer yet that may even
work for your situation:


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