Pedantic pickling error after reload?

Robert no-spam at non-existing.invalid
Thu Feb 25 12:08:28 EST 2010

After (intended/controlled) reload or similar action on a 
module/class the pickle/cPickle.dump raises errors like

pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'somemodule.SomeClass'>: 
it's not the same object as somemodule.SomeClass

Cause in (and cPickle) is a line
"if klass is not obj:"

Shouldn't it be enough to have  "if klass.__name__ != 
obj.__name__:" there?
=> a bug report/feature request?

Classes can change face anyway during pickled state, why should a 
over-pedantic reaction break things here during runtime?
(So far I'd need to walk the object tree in all facets and save 
against inf loops like pickle himself and re-class things .. )

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