How to efficiently extract information from structured text file

Imaginationworks xiajunyi at
Tue Feb 16 18:48:17 EST 2010


I am trying to read object information from a text file (approx.
30,000 lines) with the following format, each line corresponds to a
line in the text file.  Currently, the whole file was read into a
string list using readlines(), then use for loop to search the "= {"
and "};" to determine the Object, SubObject,and SubSubObject. My
questions are

1) Is there any efficient method that I can search the whole string
list to find the location of the tokens(such as '= {' or '};'

2) Is there any efficient ways to extract the object information you
may suggest?


- Jeremy

===== Structured text file =================
Object1 = {


SubObject1 = {

SubSubObject1 = {

SubObject2 = {

SubSubObject21 = {

SubObjectN = {

SubSubObjectN = {

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