How far can stack [LIFO] solve do automatic garbage collection and prevent memory leak ?

Richard Owlett rowlett at
Tue Aug 24 18:17:13 EDT 2010

Hugh Aguilar wrote:
> [SNIP ;]
> The real problem here is that C, Forth and C++ lack automatic garbage
> collection. If I have a program in which I have to worry about memory
> leaks (as described above), I would be better off to ignore C, Forth
> and C++ and just use a language that supports garbage collection. Why
> should I waste my time carefully freeing up heap space? I will very
> likely not find everything but yet have a few memory leaks anyway.

IOW Hugh has surpassed GIGO to achieve AGG - 
*A*utomatic*G*arbage*G*eneration ;)

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