Code redundancy

Ethan Furman ethan at
Tue Apr 20 18:48:57 EDT 2010

Alan Harris-Reid wrote:
> The code is not usually in class.__init__ (otherwise I would have used 
> the self. prefix), but I like your self.__dict__.update(...) solution 
> and I'll try and remember it.
> The code I was thinking of goes something like as follows (don't have a 
> specific example to hand, but the principal is the same)...
> NewClass = BaseClass()
> NewClass.attr1 = value1
> NewClass.attr2 = value2
> NewClass.attr3 = value3
> etc.
> So if there are more than a couple of attributes to set for a class 
> instance, how would you approach it (short of passing the values as 
> parameters to BaseClass)?

Unless I'm missing something (your use-case, perhaps? ;) in this example 
NewClass is *not* a class -- it's an instance of BaseClass, and you are 
dynamically adding attributes to it.

It's definitely a switch coming from FoxPro (me, too!), but it is well 
worth it once your brain starts working pythonically.


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