Something confusing about non-greedy reg exp match

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Mon Sep 7 13:08:10 EDT 2009

"gburdell1 at" <gburdell1 at> wrote:

> If I do this:
> import re
>'hello.*?money',  'hello how are you hello funny money')
> I would expect to be "hello funny money", since .*? is a
> non-greedy match. But instead, I get the whole sentence, "hello how
> are you hello funny money".
> Is this expected behavior? How can I specify the correct regexp so
> that I get "hello funny money" ?
Another option nobody has yet suggested:

>>> re.match(r'.*(hello.*?money)',  'hello how are you hello funny money').group(1)
'hello funny money'

The initial .* will effectively make the search start at the end and work backwards
so it finds the last 'hello' that is followed by 'money' instead of the first.

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