executing a function/method from a variable

Yves yves at zioup.com
Fri Oct 16 22:02:15 EDT 2009

What is the best way to execute a function which name is stored in a variable ?

Right now I use an eval, but I'm wondering if there isn't a better way:

Here is a simplified example, but what I use this for is to parse a formated 
text file, and execute a different method depending on the pattern:

import sys

class dummy(object):
   def __init__(self, arg):
     self.todo = 'self.print' + arg;

   def printa(self):
     print 'a'

   def printb(self):
     print 'b'

   def doit(self):
     #k = eval(self.todo)


o = dummy(sys.argv[1])



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